November 29, 2010


With all the crazy-ness happening last week I never got the chance to get online!
It all started with my aunt Carol, uncle Chau, and two little cousins Alex and Annie coming into town!
Then Thanksgiving with over 43 people at our house!
All the guys went paint balling thanksgiving morning,
then around 2 was lunch!
Lots of turkey, ham, potato's, rolls, green beans, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and of course dessert!!
Lots of yummy food!
Then Kyle and I went to his house to have dinner with his family!
I was wayyyy to full to eat to much so I just ate some deviled eggs.
After Cameron Farr and his girlfriend Corrine come over and we just chilled, laughed, and talked.

Yes, i admit i went out on Black Friday,
Although I'm not crazy enough to get up super early!
I got up around 5am and was out the door at 6am!
First stop?!
Bass Pro Shop!
no idea why that was our meeting spot buttt it was.
I did end up finding a couple cheap shirts for kyle!
While we slept in and got ready for the day my crazy mom was at Joann's at 4am!
She did get a cricket!

OH man how I LOVE this thing!
I have played with it everyday since buying it!
If you don't know what a cricket is, its a machine where you up in a little card and it can cut out any shape that is on the card, in any size!
Its soooooo cool!

After Bass Pro was OLD NAVY!!!
I got two super cute long sleeve sweaters, two over sweaters and a pair of pj pants!

Sadly after that i had to work 10am - 6pm
looooong day.

But since i missed a few days ill just pick back up from where i started off

Day Eight:

I have more memories that make me laugh then pictures
lucky on Wednesday night we went to Native New Yorker for wings.
They are my uncle Chau's favorite wings and there are no Natives in California

So while waiting for out food me and my cousins made mustaches!!
Oh yea!
ha ha we are super cool!

I had a FANTASTIC thanksgiving!
Hope you all did too!

November 23, 2010

seven 7 seven 7

My most treasured item hmmm?
Well I love many things
Need many things
what I treasure?!

This is a tough one

My family!

They may annoy the CRAP outta me but I still love them
simple as that.

numero 6

So I had to take an extra day to think about this one.
After thinking about I decide I wouldn't trade places with anyone.
Not even for a day!
I love my life.
It was given to me for a reason and I am grateful for it.
I have learned lots of things and still want to learn more!
I love who I am,
What I have done,
What I can do,
and what I will do!

So for that reason I wouldn't trade that for anything!
Yes it has taken me a loooong time to figure out who I am and what i want
thats why I live life day by day
enjoy the little things each day!

For example: I found a SUPER cute nail polish at Ulta in the 5 for 5 deal
so a $1 for a fantastic nail polish

Life is good

The glass is ALWAYS half full

November 21, 2010


A favorite memory?!
JUST one!!
I don't have one single favorite memory i have lots!

Although i have lots of favorite memories with.....


Kileen or Ki for short! I do have lots of fun crazy memories with my cousin
This girl is my best friend, she makes me laugh, makes me think and makes me me!
Even though we hated each other in the beinging she is now my best friend! I love her to death!

I also am making lots of fun memories with KYLE!!!

He is the love of my life!
I miss him every second I'm not with him!
He makes me so happy
that's all that matters in my life right now...
being happy!

November 20, 2010


My night is a little dull but story of my life!
I feel like all I do now is work work work!!
I love the money don't get me wrong
I love being busy
when all my days run together because all i do is work something is very wrong!
So after a LONG week of working over 34 hours all I want to do is sit around and do nothing.
on this wonderfully cold November night on Saturday I am staying in cuddled up under my favorite blanket in my PJ's and a large glass of ice cold coke
I am sitting on the couch watching....

I love love love Disney movies and I happen to not seen this movie in a long time and as i layed in my favorite spot flipping through channels it popped up!
A nice clam easy night off my feet sounds GREAT to me

Kyle showed up on my front door step
He was supposed to come home from his 5 day drill on Sunday but they got released early!!

Best night ever!

November 19, 2010

# 3

I hardly have time to sit and follow TV shows week by week but when I get the time to  watch TV my favorite show is Greys Anatomy.
I can watch this show over and over even if it is a repeat!
I love it!
Its nice to sit and watch other peoples drama
Since i want to be a nurse anesthetist (an assistant to an anesthesiologist)
I know that its all fake but still i enjoy seeing life inside an ER :]
I don't have a favorite character because together the cast make the show AMAZING!

November 18, 2010


So after a little thinking about this one and there are many people I am close with and many I've been close with for a long time, but the person I've been closest with for the longest would be.....

My MOM!!!
She has always been there for me no matter what
She helps me out
She gives me massages
She takes care me when I'm sick
She gets me little gifts just because
She is my role model and my best friend!

November 17, 2010

Distraction Needed

So while Kyle is away at his week long drill I need something to do to keep me busy!
So what better than starting a 31day challange?!
Yes i stole this off Face Book BUTTT who cares?

Day 1: A picture of yourself with ten facts

Day 2: A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

Day 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show

Day 4: A picture of your night

Day 5:- A picture of your favorite memory

Day 6: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

Day 7: A picture of your most treasured item

Day 8: A picture that makes you laugh

Day 9: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

Day 10: A picture of the person you do the craziest things with

Day 11:  A picture of something you hate

Day 12: A picture of something you love

Day 13: A picture of your favorite band or artist

Day 14: A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without

Day 15: A picture of something you want to do before you die

Day 16: A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 17: A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

Day 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity

Day 19: A picture and a letter

Day 20: A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

Day 21: A picture of something you wish you could forget

Day 22: A picture of something you wish you were better at

Day 23: A picture of your favorite book

Day 24: A picture of something you wish you could change

Day 25: A picture of your day

Day 26: A picture of something that means a lot to you

Day 27: A picture of yourself and a family member

Day 28: A picture of something you're afraid of

Day 29: A picture that can always make you smile

Day 30: A picture of someone you miss

Day 31: A picture of yourself

So day Uno:
Ten facts.....
1: I LOVE the color teal
2: I'm only 5' 3" and wish i was an inch shorter
3: I dont really like chocolate i prefure fruity candy like skittles
4: I love to shop, I can never have to much jewlery, clothes, shoes, or bags.
5: I can live off soad, coke and mt. dew are the best
6: Im loud, crazy, and hyper
7: I speak my mind no matter what, this can get me into deep trouble
8: Im a sucker for cute things!
9: I hate hate hate milk, peanutbutter, and pizza
10: I love to cook and bake but tend to over do it so i get bored and dont finsh :)

November 3, 2010

Lovin' Life

So Life so far has been pretty great!!
I have a great job,
A wonderful boyfriend,
and a loving family!

I'm SUPER excited for Thanksgiving!
Its my second favorite holiday.
Why might you ask its it second?
Well because Christmas is my favorite!!

BUTTT this is why I love thanksgiving:
  • Amazing food
  • Lots of family around
  • Shopping!!
  • Paint - ball
  • Beautiful weather
  • Fantastic smells (cooking food and leaves)
  • and just the feeling of being loved

So since I'm on the topic of thanksgiving and life is amazing this is what I'm thankful for:
  • Kyle R. Horn
  • My job (with lots of hours)
  • Loving family
  • Good smelling things like candles and air fresheners
  • Yummy food
  • Fantastic friends
  • Naps with my blanket and Kyle
  • Even though they bug me 9 times outta 10 my cats because no matter what they will love me :]
  • Fountain drinks from Sonic
  • Long sleeves and jackets
  • Going to a store and spending hours in there making a mess and lots of laughs
  • Starting school next semester
  • Knowing what I want from life
  • Knowing where i want to go in life
  • And knowing that life never works out the way you plain (which is the beauty in it all)
  • My Ipod/ music (funny how music can always say what my heart cant put into words)
  • My flat iron and make-up to fix the flaws I see in myself
  • Back massages :]
  • Rainy days
  • Oreo balls
  • Heating pads
  • Cute new clothes on a GREAT deal
  • Veggie trays
  • Long car rides
  • Sweet text messages in the morning
  • Hugs and Lovin's (from kyle of course)
  • My car, even though it needs a lot of work, it still gets the job done
  • Cuddling up on the couch with a good movie and my blanket

So YUPPP I love life